This is the second in a series of posts discussing claims by Michael Egnor, a neurosurgeon and member of the creationist organization the Discovery Institute, that recent (and not so recent) neuroscientific research demonstrates that some mental functions cannot be accounted for by physical brain processes and, instead, point to the existence of some immaterial forces or processes at work. The first post can be found here.
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A Neurosurgeon Argues That Mind Functions Are Immaterial. Badly.
Michael Egnor is a pediatric neurosurgeon who is also affiliated with the Discovery Institute, an organization which promotes the form of creationism that goes under the name of “Intelligent Design” (ID). I suspect most of the people reading this are already at least partially familiar with the history and origins of the ID movement. But for those who are not, a useful summary can be found on the website of the National Center for Science Education.
One of Egnor’s roles with the DI is to serve as a Senior Fellow for what is called the Center for Natural & Artificial Intelligence. That sounds very impressive, until one discovers that the function of this Center seems to be largely limited to writing blog posts promoting religion.