Last month I told you about an unusual geographic feature of Toronto, the Leslie Street Spit. Today, I’d like to introduce you to another interesting local ecosystem.
Continue reading “Hidden wilderness: The ravines of Toronto”Let's try to be rational about this.
Last month I told you about an unusual geographic feature of Toronto, the Leslie Street Spit. Today, I’d like to introduce you to another interesting local ecosystem.
Continue reading “Hidden wilderness: The ravines of Toronto”In the above video from Peaceful Science, philosopher JP Moreland argues for the existence of immaterial souls and minds, and is challenged by the scientists S. Joshua Swamidass, a Christian, and Nathan Lents, an atheist. Despite the fact that all three participants hold quite different views on the subject, the discussion is respectful and collegial. And I’m not entirely sure it should have been.
Continue reading “J.P. Moreland tries to defend substance dualism – and anti-gay bigotry.”(The following is a slightly edited version of an article that appeared previously on The Panda’s Thumb.)
Have a look at this article from the Khan Academy, in particular the section entitled Natural Selection:
Darwin, evolution, & natural selection
What do you think? Is it a reasonably accurate and informative, if perhaps a bit bland and prosaic, summary of some of the key elements of the theory of evolution, suitable for the average high school student?
What if someone was to tell you that it is, instead, a “mass-mind tool of financial interests”, designed to indoctrinate unwitting students into accepting an outdated concept that is no longer accepted by modern science? That is the view of Suzan Mazur, who has written a scathing response to this seemingly benign article on her blog.
Continue reading “Is teaching natural selection “a mass-mind tool of financial interests”?”