Ken Miller, Genie Scott & Barbara Forrest: 15 Years After Dover

Courtroom Sketch of Ken Miller testifying at the Dover trial

I have been discussing the the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial which ended exactly 15 years ago last Sunday . Three of the key figures who supported the plaintiffs recently sat down for interviews with S. Joshua Swamidass and (on two of the interviews) Nathan Lents for the Peaceful Science blog. Videos of the interviews can be found at the bottom of the page.

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J.P. Moreland tries to defend substance dualism – and anti-gay bigotry.

In the above video from Peaceful Science, philosopher JP Moreland argues for the existence of immaterial souls and minds, and is challenged by the scientists S. Joshua Swamidass, a Christian, and Nathan Lents, an atheist. Despite the fact that all three participants hold quite different views on the subject, the discussion is respectful and collegial. And I’m not entirely sure it should have been.

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Nathan Lents on our imperfect body

Nathan Lents, professor of biology at John Jay College, has written a book which describes some of the imperfections of the human body. Beyond being entertaining bits of medical trivia, these are also part of what prompted Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution. The idea that much of our biology demonstrates what can only be considered “stupid design” not only serves as an effective counterargument to the claims of creationism. It also helps correct the misunderstandings of many people who accept evolution, but view it as primarily driven by natural selection and constantly seeking the best possible design for an organism. The truth is that evolution largely proceeds by accident and luck, both good and bad, and rarely if ever arrives at a solution of the sort that would be found by careful advanced planning.

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