The Discovery Institute gives advice on scientific integrity.

Thanks to S. Joshua Swamidass at Peaceful Science, I’ve been made aware of a recent post by David Klinghoffer on the Discovery Institute’s website “Evolution News” (which generally has very little news about evolution) discussing some recent shake ups at the BioLogos Foundation. Those who are already familiar with the history of these two organizations can skip to the next paragraph, but for the benefit of those who are not: Both the DI and BioLogos were created to promote particular ideas regarding the relationship between religion and science (particularly the theory of evolution). While the DI promotes creationism in the guise of “Intelligent Design”, members of BioLogos accept the scientific consensus regarding the theory of evolution, and argue that this is compatible with belief in God. Not surprisingly, there has been a generally antagonistic attitude between the two groups, and the DI, which had previously focused mostly on atheism and secularism, has increasingly been taking shots at the theistic evolutionism that is endorsed by BioLogos.

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Why I Am Not a Materialist

David Klinghoffer

There is a rumor going around the internet that I am a “materialist”.  This seems to have started with David Klinghoffer, a senior fellow with the creationist organization the Discovery Institute.  On their website “Evolution News” (which generally contains very little  actual news about evolution),  he writes in reference to my ongoing debate with Michael Egnor, “(T)he question before the (sic) Faizal Ali and Michael Egnor is whether the mind, with its power of abstract thought, can be fully accounted for just with reference to a physical organ, the brain. Ali thinks so — as a materialist, he would have to do so….” And in a more recent article he continues to imply that my disagreement with Egnor is motivated by a prior commitment to “materialism” (though I will say that his analysis of the reasoning behind my choice of banner art is bang on.)

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